
Regional Linguistic Differences

British versus American English – which one to speak?

Growing up in Ireland, I was constantly exposed to both British and American English (and the Australian variety as well) through the medium of television. Every day I would hear both versions with their myriad of regional and societal variations for several hours, along with Irish English of course. I wrote ‘British’ but the vocabulary […]

British versus American English – which one to speak? Read More »

Quelles sont les différences entre l’anglais et le français?

L’anglais étant ma langue maternelle, la première langue étrangère que j’ai appris était le français. Je trouve fascinant l’histoire et l’interaction entre ces deux grandes langues mondiales. L’anglais est aujourd’hui la langue étrangère la plus étudiée dans le monde. Selon le British Council, un peu moins d’1 milliard ont l’anglais comme langue étrangère. Le français était

Quelles sont les différences entre l’anglais et le français? Read More »

How different is English from French?

How different is English from French?

As a native speaker of English whose first foreign language was French, I find the history and interaction between these 2 major global languages fascinating. English is today by far the world’s most studied foreign language. According to the British Council a little under 1 billion have English as a foreign language. French was once used

How different is English from French? Read More »

How different is Spanish in Colombia from that spoken in Spain?

How different is Spanish in Colombia from that spoken in Spain?

Colombia – the homeland of Sofia Vergara and Shakira, with a coastline on both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea is a country in both South and Central America. Named after Cristopher Columbus, Colombia has around 45 million inhabitants and Bogota as its capital. In 1821 the Republic of Colombia became independent from Spain with borders

How different is Spanish in Colombia from that spoken in Spain? Read More »

How different is Catalan from Spanish?

While travelling and learning an official language of a country you should also appreciate that it may not be the main language depending on the region you’re in. In this sense Spain is an interesting example. Even if Spanish is the only official language on a national level, there are plenty of regional languages, i.e., Aranese, Basque, Catalan and Galician. And

How different is Catalan from Spanish? Read More »

3 Différences entre le Français Québécois et le Français de France

3 Différences entre le Français Québécois et le Français de France

Le français du Québec ou le québécois a toujours été un mystère pour moi. La première fois que je suis tombé sur cet accent, c’était en rencontrant une étudiante québécoise en échange. J’étais vraiment intrigué par les différents sons de cette langue (différents de la prononciation française standardisée). En 2016 je suis finalement arrivé à Montréal

3 Différences entre le Français Québécois et le Français de France Read More »

3 Ways Quebec French is different to Standard French (f)

3 Ways Quebec French is different to Standard French

Quebec French or Québécois has always been something of a mystery to me. I first came across it when I met a Québécoise exchange student at university and its different sounds (from standard French pronunciation) intrigued me. In 2016, I finally made it to Montreal (a city I had long wanted to visit) but for one

3 Ways Quebec French is different to Standard French Read More »

Quais são as diferenças e semelhanças entre o Espanhol e Português_

Quais são as diferenças e semelhanças entre o Espanhol e Português?

Adoro viajar para Portugal e para Espanha (e para América Latina também). Além disso, o Brasil é, na verdade, o meu país favorito … no mundo! Aprendi espanhol quando vivia ao lado de um bairro latino em Washington, DC, nos EUA. Durante a minha estadia em Washington, fiz a minha primeira viagem para o Brasil e foi

Quais são as diferenças e semelhanças entre o Espanhol e Português? Read More »